
Freedom Cry - Assassin's Creed Wiki

Freedom Cry is a single-player downloadable content addition for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The DLC was released on 17 December 2013 for PSN and Xbox ...

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry

The story campaign of Freedom Cry, which takes place thirteen years after the events of Black Flag, is loosely connected to its narrative but retains most of ... Gameplay · Plot · Development and release · Reception

Assassin's Creed®IV Black Flag™ Freedom Cry

Born a slave, Adewale found freedom as a pirate aboard Edward Kenway's ship, the Jackdaw. 15 years later, Adewale has become a trained Assassin who finds ...

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry

供應中 評分 3.5 (2,331) Play as Adewale, an ex-slave turned Assassin fighting for freedom with the help of his own Pirate crew.

Play Assassin's Creed 4

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Freedom Cry) [Original Game Soundtrack] ; 1. The Root. 02:18 ; 2. The Storm. 02:45 ; 3. False Paradise. 03:47 ; 4. Fight the Tyranny.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Freedom Cry Review

評分 7/10 · Marty Sliva · Black Flag's single-player DLC Freedom Cry tells a great, emotional story in the shell of classic AC gameplay.

Assassins Creed: Black flag - Freedom Cry is a masterpiece

It's a short story, the ups and downs of the Maroons, the evils of the French and Adewales dedication to freeing slaves struck me.

購買Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™ – Freedom Cry

供應中 Born a slave, Adewale found freedom as a pirate aboard Edward Kenway's ship, the Jackdaw. 15 years later, Adewale has become a trained Assassin who finds ...

Assassins Creed 4 Freedom Cry - Part 1 - A New Assassin

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag Freedom Cry DLC Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1. Welcome to the official series of the Assassins Creed 4 Freedom ...

Should You Buy Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry in 2024? (Review)

... Assassin's Creed Black Flag in 2013. In fact, the protagonist of the ... Despite being released simply as a DLC for Black Flag, it is ...


FreedomCryisasingle-playerdownloadablecontentadditionforAssassin'sCreedIV:BlackFlag.TheDLCwasreleasedon17December2013forPSNandXbox ...,ThestorycampaignofFreedomCry,whichtakesplacethirteenyearsaftertheeventsofBlackFlag,islooselyconnectedtoitsnarrativebutretainsmostof ...Gameplay·Plot·Developmentandrelease·Reception,Bornaslave,AdewalefoundfreedomasapirateaboardEdwardKenway'sship,theJackdaw.15yea...